So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fight! Moi??

So Harris has been with us for three months now. He's house trained. He's going for walks with the dog walkers. He's still eating for Britain.  However he's also bigger than Horatio who's now a teenager and dealing with all manner of angst. This reads as trouble.
Pondering some life issues...

Yes, there's lots of play fighting, wrestling and gnashing of teeth but in general the two wee guys love each other. Quiet moments like this make me feel all warm and fuzzy. However, as I said, Horatio is working through a few issues. Who am I? What is my position? Who is this upstart who now pushes me about? And why can he run faster than me when he puts his mind to it?

Brotherly love

This all came to a head two weeks ago when I was (again) away with work. I call home to check everyone is behaving and am regaled a terrible tale of flying fur, gushing blood and a panicked trip to the vets (not another trip?!). Horatio, in all his wisdom has transferred his frustrations to inanimate objects, primarily balls, of which he is now quite possessive. Whilst out with his beloved dog walkers, Fran & Ellen, one of the gang nonchalantly thought he would join Horatio in playing ball. Big mistake. Thus ensued a dog fight. Yes a proper dog fight with both dogs going for each others' throats...  And Horatio came of worse. The other dog must have knicked a blood vessel on his throat. Thankfully I have no photos. And even more thankfully the gushing did stop. By the time I got home there was nothing to see but a small shaved chin and a v small wound.
Testing times...