So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Since getting sick with glandular fever I have had to re-acquaint myself with the art of doing nothing especially on the biggest adventure day of the weekend - Saturday! Having just blown my energy store for the week with a 50-mile cycle round Loch Tay yesterday, I'm feeling a little tired today and am hoping that if I keep it low key today, maybe I can have an adventure tomorrow :)
So, here's a run down of interesting ways to blow the day:

  • Get that white-wash on that you've been meaning to do all week... ok, that's not interesting!

  • Pick up the knitting project again!

  • Chill out to some free jazz on the internet - check out Nerissa Campbell.

  • Google some of those places you visited on your last adventure. Scott and I blasted past this place yesterday high above Loch Tay.... guess where I want to spend Hogmanay this year!!!

  • Planning that autumn trip to Stockholm. Note to self: call Fifi to finalise dates :)

  • Polish your shoes - remember, you used to do this with your school shoes? Well, there's something therapeutic about doing it to your work shoes too.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Where's Amanda??

Golly, I've just re-discovered my blog! And remembered my password, which is an even bigger miracle... guess there are no excuses for not updating it.
Here's a photo of me at the Whiterocks in Northern Ireland last summer. Quite a bit has happened since this photo was taken....