So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Friday, October 28, 2011

How much do you love your dog?

Work has been rather busy of late.  The Autumn and Spring tend to be dominated by lots of events, workshops, press trips and exhibitions.  This week I've been traveling round Scotland with a group of journalists from North America, Germany and France, inspiring them to write about Scotland.  It's a tough life having to stay in places like this:
It's not all fun.  We were forced to do land yachting on the West Strand in St Andrews, which is perhaps more famous for featuring in Chariots of Fire.
Then we inducted the group into the art of caber tossing at GOSFORD House in East Lothian.  I don't think Horatio will be chasing after sticks this size any time soon.
I digress however.  This post is pondering the depths to which love for your canine friend can go.  My travels have meant that Horatio has had to come to terms with a few changes.  I hasten to add these aren't monumental.  Essentially I have been away the last two weeks and unable to do our usual routine of walks at 6pm.  Luckily though HHH's favourite dog walkers, Fran and Ellen have treated him to a second walk each day in my absence.  What a lucky chap he is.

Now, this is a tricky situation.  How does a WFT express such gratitude for the love I have bestowed on him? A massive welcome on my return?  Much jumping, licking and general happiness at seeing me?  Eh no.  I'm afraid to report some serious damage.  I had to return a hire car through work, so popped Horatio in the boot of said car, carefully placing the parcel shelf in the boot with him.  It's the same set up in our car and the way in which he is accustomed to traveling.  We were in the car barely 40 minutes.
Words fail me.  They didn't at the time.  The air was blue.  The excess on the brand new hire car is £500.  I'm still not speaking to him and am concerned our relationship might not get past this.  How far can love go?

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Blogger WFT Nobby said...

Oh dear Horatio, it seems you have gone and chewed up something that the humans, for whatever reason deem valuable. Let me warn you, it will not be forgotten. Gail still brings up 'the cashmere sweater episode' with tedious regularity. My advice to you. Lie low for a while, then go up to Mandy, gain her attention by very gently pawing her leg, tilt your head to one side (humans never can resist that look), maybe give a shake of your flappy little ears and look intently into her eyes.
It might just work.
On the other hand, you can just hope that Mandy's workplace will pay the excess...
Toodle pip!
PS Don't tell Gail but I am secretly most impressed. All that damage in only 40 minutes. Respect!

4:56 pm

Blogger object seeker said...

words fail me...

7:50 pm

Blogger Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi - I'm your newest follower...a mini schnauzer from Adelaide, Australia!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

10:12 am

Blogger George The Lad said...

Hi Horatio, pleased to meet you, thanks for your kind comment on my blog, I see Bertie knows you, he's so funny with his posts, I class him as a good friend.
I am also following you it nice to see another blogger from the UK we might just make it to Scotland one of the years.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

7:39 pm


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