So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why the radio silence?

What with returning to work, celebrating my birthday with my twin, DIYing and taking HRH to dog classes, life has been a little hectic of late. Hence the lack of updates on Horatio. He's become a proper wee dog with attitude. This makes dog classes interesting to say the least. We've mastered 'sit', 'stay' (for varying amounts of time) and 'muzzle' (that's another story). I don't imagine many manufacturers of dog treats will go out of business anytime soon.

Horatio continues to develop his hobbies. Digging and burying things have always been a favourite, however he has recently branched out into gardening.... shame Scott didn't see this as a positive development.

Now, Horatio has requested some feedback from his fellow WHFTs. With autumn almost upon us (yikes, I know it's only August but there's a wiff of it in the air), Horatio was considering his options.... this smart cape was designed with him in mind by Walker Slater in Victoria Street, Edinburgh. Is this dashing enough for him?
Given his newly-discovered love of lochs.... perhaps we should consider a more practical gore-tex coat...



Blogger WFT Nobby said...

So you're coming along splendidly I see Horatio. Attitude eh? That's spiffing. Oh and excellent job with the gardening too!

As for jacket, well, let's just say that Gail once tried putting one on me and it was not a big success. Lots of my blog buddy WFT's seem to love wearing all sorts of clothes, but, well, to be honest I prefer going round on my birthday suit. Even when it's cold and wet.

But I will say that one in the photo looks great. Why stick at just one anyway? Take that one, plus a gore-tex for the wet days?

Sorry I can't be more help pal!

Toodle pip!

PS Did you know I climbed Lochnagar last Tuesday? Not that I'm boasting or anything,

2:17 pm

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

Woow, Lochnagar! Now that is something for Horatio to aspire to. We've had a few outings to the Pentlands but have to be careful not to overdo it. I'd love to have him running up and down mountains with me but at barely 6 months everyone keeps tutting when I say we've been for a walk longer than an hour...

4:02 pm

Blogger Yak Hunter said...

Very nice cape but I feel he's missing a deerstalker hat and a pipe.

6:27 pm

Blogger WFT Nobby said...

For deerstalker outfit see:

6:47 pm


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