So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

A walk in the woods

Who lives here? I believe it's the hard to spot tootflits...
Horatio went to investigate..
No one was home.

Today we headed out to Pressmennan Wood in East Lothian with Horatio for a 'fairy walk'. I was more than a little sceptical but pleasantly surprised by the evidence of wee folk living in the forest. Horatio thought it was none too bad either

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Blogger Yak Hunter said...

Cool! Is there a Pressmennan lake nearby? Apparently its good for swimming in.

12:29 am

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

Yeah there's a v pretty lake but it was green.... Don't think that was for the fairy effect.

6:24 am

Blogger WFT Nobby said...

Good to see you're developing a healthy sense of curiosity Horatio!
Toodle pip!
PS We can't help wondering what Horatio is will shortened to, when time is too short for four syllables..

7:09 am

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

Hey Bouncing Bertie
great to hear from you again! At the minute a sharp 'Oy!' suffices instead of Horatio... He seems to understand his name though and loves the word 'sit'. In his world it means treat.

8:40 am


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