So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Monday, February 27, 2012

All by myself..

Horatio's a rather independent young dog.  On our trip to the Lakes earlier this month, the wee man took to sitting posing by himself on the summit of the hills we climbed.  Here he is taking in the views of Windermere. 
Perhaps he took to heart my last posting bemoaning my inability to take a decent picture of him.  The next photo actually shows the reality of the situation.  He didn't want to be seen anywhere near me, preferring the lonesome dog look.
This aside, we had a grand time in the Lakes.  The weather was kind enough, we managed lots of walks and runs, and Horatio had lots of friends in the house to entertain him (thanks Rosie, Tilly & Sophie!)  Best recommendation?  Pavey Ark in Langdale is an easy morning jaunt with a jaw-dropping view to reward at the top.  My nephew Sam enjoyed the amble in his tweed cap and walking stick.  No walk is complete in the Lakes without a pint in the local pub afterwards.  I was delighted to frequent so many and that Horatio was allowed in too.  Hurray for equal rights!!


Blogger WFT Nobby said...

Horatio, you really have cracked this posing business. Extra treats, I presume?

And I am so impressed by your bravery, venturing right to the top of that hill all by yourself. (Between you and me, sometimes I get a bit scared of heights and look to Gail for reassurance.)

Oh I do hope I can visit the Lakes one day. Beautiful landscapes and dog-friendly pubs. Sounds perfect.

Toodle pip!

PS I am passing through Edinburgh on my way to Nottingham this Thursday and will be on parade in Princes St Gardens between 10:30 and 11:45 am. Don't suppose there's any chance of seeing Horatio there?

6:44 pm

Blogger Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

My peeps have been in that area - but they didn't do any climbing...lazy sods. I'm afraid it's too far for me to go - but I'm thinking of you Horatio. I love your solo posing too.

It will be so exciting if you can meet Bertie!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

3:11 am

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

Exciting!!! Bertie's going to be in town! What a week. I will see if I can swing it... Horatio will need sprucing up!

7:56 am

Blogger WFT Nobby said...

Oh, I should also have said we are having a wee break in Edinburgh between trains on the way back too, on Monday 5th March, arriving 16:17 and depart 18:30, if that's a better time.

8:20 am

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

Hello Bertie! Monday would be much easier for us to make. I've got a big group of German clients arriving on Thursday so will probably be a little distracted. I'll be taking Monday afternoon off to recover.
We'll get the bunting out for you both :)

12:51 pm

Blogger George The Lad said...

Lovely photos all of them, had to laugh at the distance between you on that one photo, I like to just sit down sometimes and take in the air and view, I think its a Terrier thing :)
Gald you got to go in the pub to.
Oh I would love to meet you and Bertie one day, have a great time and remember to take loads of photos.
Fancy your birthday being on the
11th I'm never going to forget that:)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

4:30 pm

Blogger George The Lad said...

Lovely photos all of them, had to laugh at the distance between you on that one photo, I like to just sit down sometimes and take in the air and view, I think its a Terrier thing :)
Gald you got to go in the pub to.
Oh I would love to meet you and Bertie one day, have a great time and remember to take loads of photos.
Fancy your birthday being on the
11th I'm never going to forget that:)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

4:31 pm

Blogger The Life of Riley said...

Hi Horatio,

I just read Bouncing Bertie's Blog about your adventures with him, and what a quick learner you are. Well done!

I'm sure it is the beginning of a great friendship between you two.

Riley (from New Zealand)

9:05 am

Blogger Bicontinental Dachshund said...

Great scenery! I also love hiking, although my legs are much shorter than yours :)

9:32 pm


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