So back in the day, I was an avid rock climber. Hence the blog name. Until two dogs entered my life. Climbing was knocked on the head and I became a full time dog mum!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Yep, I've got DOMS. Bad DOMS. Very bad DOMS. I don't think it was even this bad after the marathon. And the culprit was.... a hill race two days ago in Fife. Maybe blasting a 10km hill race without having trained on any hills in five months wasn't such a hot idea. I'm walking like I need a hip replacement.


Blogger Yak Hunter said...

Congratulations on your DOMS climbing mandy! You'll start to feel better tomorrow I think. The 2nd day is always the worst for me anyway!
Oh and congratulations on winning a prize although I wasn't that surprised that you did. You are clearly on your way back. hurray!

11:53 pm

Blogger Climbingmandy said...

The DOMS are still with me!! That's three days now :( Much unhappiness as I can't do any sport, not even climbing. I only hope it's gone by tomorrow so I can go to club....

10:57 am


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